In a future world shaped by AEON’s aging reversal technology, “Paradise” follows Max Toma, a persuasive broker who trades years of life for financial rewards. However, when his wife’s life is at stake, Max confronts the morality of his actions. The film delves into the complex themes of love, sacrifice, and the ethical implications of the system. Despite some weakly developed side plots, “Paradise” delivers a thought-provoking tale that questions the value of life and the consequences of exploiting a flawed society. Visit o2tvseries for more!
| July 27, 2023 (United States)
Director: Boris Kunz, Tomas JonsgÄrden, Indre JuskuteWriter: Simon Amberger, Peter Kocyla, Boris KunzStars: Lisa-Marie Koroll, Dalila Abdallah, Numan Acar
Summary: After his wife is forced to give up 40 years of her life as payment for an insurance debt, a man desperately searches for a way to get them back.
Countries: GermanyLanguages: German, English