“Cobweb,” directed by Samuel Bodin, immerses viewers in a spine-chilling world where young Peter grapples with strange bumps in the night and a haunting voice trapped in his bedroom wall. Initially frightened, Peter finds solace in the mysterious voice, but as the story unfolds, its intentions come into question. Despite its ominous tone and effective cinematography by Philip Lozano, the film falls short of achieving its intended horror impact. Jump scares lack intensity, and the twists in the plot are easily foreseen. While the movie introduces intriguing elements, like a missing trick-or-treater and bullies, these subplots feel underdeveloped and unresolved. The cast’s solid performances, particularly Woody Norman’s portrayal of Peter, inject depth, but “Cobweb” ultimately fails to fully satisfy as a genuinely haunting and compelling horror tale. Visit o2tvseries for more!
| July 21, 2023 (United States)
Director: Samuel BodinWriter: Chris Thomas DevlinStars: Lizzy Caplan, Antony Starr, Cleopatra Coleman
Summary: Horror strikes when an eight-year-old boy named Peter tries to investigate the mysterious knocking noises that are coming from inside the walls of his house and a dark secret that his sinist... Read all
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English